Vertical Carousels

Vertical Carousels are a reliable, space efficient storage and retrieval system featuring rotating carriers that deliver items directly to a picking opening. This goods-to-person solution is ideal for maximizing space and simplifying both storage and picking processes in warehouse and storages.

    • Kardex Remstar
    • Constructor
    • 2000 - 2004
    • 2005 - 2009
    • 2010 - 2014
    • 2015 - 2019
    • 2020+
  • 200 - 299.00 kr

Leasing from 425 EUR / month

2 units Kardex Megamat RS 350 Vertical Carousels


22 500 EUR / unit

Height: 8 m / Width: 3.65 m / Depth: 1.47 m

Kardex Megamat RS 350


Leasing from 420 EUR / month

2 units Constructor IPN Vertical Carousels

2011 & 2013

22 600 EUR / unit

Height: 3.84 m / Width: 4.9 m / Depth: 2.5 m

Constructor IPN


Leasing from 539 EUR / month

14 units Kardex Megamat RS 350 vertical carousels

2018 - 2019

27 800 EUR / unit

Height: 6.6 - 7.1 m / Width: 3.68 m / Depth: 1.67 m

14 units Kardex Megemat RS 350


Leasing from 539 EUR / month


10 units Kardex Megamat RS 350 vertical carousels

2017 - 2018

27 800 EUR / unit

Height: 6.7 m / Width: 3.88 m / Depth: 1.57 m

10 units Kardex Megamat RS 350



4 units Kardex Megamat RS 350 vertical carousels

2016 - 2021

28 600 EUR / unit

Height: 7.63-8.71 m / Width: 3.68 m / Depth: 1.67 m

4 units Kardex Megamat RS 350


Leasing from 635 EUR / month


Kardex Megamat RS 650 vertical carousel


33 800 EUR

Height: 9.61 m / Width: 4.27 m / Depth: 1.71 m

Kardex Megamat RS 650


Leasing from 658 EUR / month


8 units Kardex Megamat RS 650 vertical carousels

2019 - in use 2020

33 800 EUR / unit

Height: 7.84 m / Width: 3.98 m / Depth: 1.71 m

8 units Kardex Megamat RS 650

Kardex_Megamat_RS_NN01 (1)

Leasing from 658 EUR / month


Kardex Megamat RS 650 vertical carousel


33 800 EUR

Height: 7.95 m / Width: 3.97 m / Depth: 1.71 m

Kardex Megamat RS 650 vertical carousel



2 units Kardex Megamat vertical carousels


21 000 EUR / unit

Height: 5.5 m / Width: 3.5 m / Depth: 1.77 m

2 units Kardex Megamat

Vertical Carousels

A vertical carousel storage system is a great alternative if you are looking to store a lot of goods in a small space. By utilizing the ”paternoster principe”, where a belt moves like a vertical carousel with goods being stored on carriers, a machine door can be continously supplied with goods to be picked. A vertical carousel, or ”paternoster solution” as it is called in some parts of the world, is a type of vertical storage system that allows a ”Goods-To-Person” storage. ”Goods-To-Person” storage means that the goods is automatically transferred to the picker, rather than the picker having to run around among shelves in the warehouse to pick their order.

Second hand Vertical Carousels

If you are looking for a high quality second hand vertical carousel, Relevator offers both carousels and vertical storage lifts in great condition. The construction of a vertical carousel is extremly robust and reliable; making it a excellent solution to buy second hand. A serviced and well kept unit can be used for over 30 years, as of today, we still find units installed during the 80s that are in use.

What to look for?

The most important thing to control when buying a second hand vertical carousel is to make sure that the dimensions of the unit will fit in your warehouse. A vertical carousel is rather difficult to reconstruct, so make sure that the units height, width and depth fit in your facilities. Aside from the dimensions it is also important that the storage capacity of the vertical carousel will work for your operations. The storage capacity is determined not only by the amount of, and the size, of the carriers; also by how much weight each carrier can load. A typical vertical carousel can load between 300 – 400 kg per carrier, if you have heavy goods, make sure to double check the load capacity.

Who manufactures Vertical Carousels?

There are several well-renowned suppliers of vertical carousels globally; at Relevator, we work only with the most established suppliers. The two most common vertical carousels globally are provided by Kardex Remstar and Hänel. Kardex offers their solution Megamat RS, and Hänel’s Rotomat is especially popular in continental Europe. Aside from Kardex and Hänel there are several regional yet reliable suppliers spread out in the world. In Northern Europe, the Scandinavian supplier Constructor has a large installed base; in French speaking countries the French supplier Electroclass is common.