Moving or disassembling a vertical storage system

If you are about to dismantle, install or move a vertical storage machine, it can be difficult to know where to start. Decisions need to be made and preparations need to be made – but it doesn’t have to be that complicated. In this guide, we give you our tips on where to start and how to best prepare.

Who can do the installation or removal?

You can always turn to the manufacturer for this type of service, but there are also a number of other operators who work on moving and assembling industrial machinery. Sometimes the manufacturer is not able to adapt to your schedule and it is also advisable to compare different quotes. Feel free to send us an enquiry and we will provide you with a quote.

What does it cost?

A disassembly, an assembly or a move is a job that usually requires 2 fitters and 1-3 days of work per vertical storage system, normally costing somewhere between 4 500 EUR – 6 500 EUR per machine. The price is mainly determined by the specification of the vertical storage system and the availability of the premises.


What needs to be prepared?

Whether a vertical storage system is to be moved in or moved out, there are preparations to be made that simplify both your work and that of the fitters, below are some common examples.

Check the property

Do you need to make any changes to the property to get the vertical storage machine out? The following checks can be useful:

• Are there pallet racks, fire protection, sprinkler systems or ceiling beams that prevent installation?
• Is there space to store the vertical storage machine before or after installation?
• Is the floor at the installation site solid, level and clean?

Talk to an electrician

In order to install a vertical storage system, a qualified electrician must be involved, which usually involves bringing power to the installation area.

Packing materials

When dissasembling, it is normally expected that you will provide the packing material for the dissasembling of the machine yourself. As a rule, the machines requires about 25 EU pallets; if you have a reinforced long pallet, 10-15 pallets may suffice. In addition to the pallets, it is a good idea to have loading straps and possibly simple shims available. If you are unable to provide the packing material, this can be offered by the fitter as an extra service.

Truck and scissor lift

For loading and unloading from/to the lorry, a forklift or high-lifting hand truck is required, which is expected to be available on site. For the assembly work, a scissor lift adapted to the height of the assembly is also required. If it is not possible to arrange either a truck or scissor lift, this can be offered by the fitter as an extra service.

With the above preparations, you will be prepared for a possible assembly – once the work is started, it usually goes very smoothly. If you feel the need for more support, we are always available – welcome to contact us!

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